Friday, 31 March 2017

Lesbians React to Touching A Penis For The First Time

Most men touch their penises so often that they tend to forget what a novelty it can be—everyone’s looking at you, Larry—and for lesbians in particular, grasping a skin flute for the first-ever time can be an hilariously odd experience.

We now know that thanks to YouTubers Bria and Chrissy, who participated in a strange, pass-the-parcel type of experiment so they could cure their curiosity as to what this nameless gentleman’s meat cigar feels like.

Earlier this week, the same Website showed us what it was like for homosexual men to touch a boob for the first time.
The rules have changed but the game’s still the same, and now it’s time to watch women touching a penis in the most plutonic and non-sexual manner one can imagine.

In surprising contrast to the wildly exuberant reactions we saw from gay men touching a boob, most of the lesbians participating in this “experiment” are much more subdued, but their metaphors to describe the penis are no less entertaining.

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